I think my hand stitching has had enough of a display. Anyone looking for my Christmas items they are in the post below. Since my sewing machine is under repair I thought I would show some of my knitting and crochet. The scarf is made from alpaca in a moss stitch rib. I love the feel of it. I knitted several scarves, vests and hats last winter but my favourite finishes were the tea cosies.
Mohair crochet owl |
Here is my crochet owl from Killer Tea Cosies. He sits on display all the time cause I just love him. The others below were made for specific pots. I like the pineapple stitch one. I got the stitch pattern from an old book of knitting stitches that my mum gave me.
Knitted cosy and pot stand |
Crochet with two strands of wool. Pattern from Wild Tea Cosies |
Simple rib with beads. |
I also did some shopping. Even though it is way too hot I had to have a go at some patterns in the Gourmet Crochet book I got for Christmas and I needed more colours. The pink bit is the start of a cake. I also had to get some embroidery threads for my felt stitchery. Maybe it's my tools causing the trouble :) And since I was at the fabric shop a bit of fabric just jumped out at me!
Stumpy just likes to know where I am. |
I bought a thread to match every colour felt I had. |
I nearly forgot. I drooled over the magazines for a while and ended up buying Magic Patch ( a European magazine ) and Inside Crochet that had a great mittens pattern. I was inspired to dabble in my crochet again after visiting Kate at
Creative World. She has a great blog. Thanks Kate.
Happy quilting (and crocheting and knitting)